World Championships 2024 in Spain !!!

¡Gran éxito de nuestro Presidente Sr. Juan PINILLA!

To all our strong WKF member countries,

Champions and our best referees!


El presidente de WKF ESPAÑA, Juan PINILLA, ha sido el experto español más famoso en kickboxing durante 40 años. El Sr. Pinilla es altamente considerado y respetado en todo el mundo.

The whole world will meet after Cairo 2021 in November 2024 in Spain

and many strong teams from Europe, North America and Latin America, Australia, Asia and Africa will challenge our best Champions !

In order to stay at the top of the world rankings, WKF needs all of our best fighters all over the World, women and men!

Weekend before is the usual World referee Seminar !

At least one of your officials must be there to get WKF license.

Full information and updates as always HERE:

I’ll see you all in Spain in November 2024


We look forward to working with new experts who would like

to represent their country as the new WKF country President.

Interested in working in a large world association? 

Send us a non-binding email with your inquiry!

El mundo entero se reunirá después de El Cairo 2021 en noviembre de 2024 en Torrevieja, España y muchos equipos fuertes

de Europa, América del Norte y América Latina, Asia, ¡Australia, Oceanía y África desafiarán a nuestros mejores campeones!

Para mantenerse en lo más alto del ranking mundial, ¡WKF necesita a todos nuestros mejores luchadores, mujeres y hombres!

Información completa y actualizaciones como siempre AQUÍ:

I’ll see you all in Spain in November 2024


WKF BOXING / BKFC – new World division

Daniel Z. HIRLAU

Dear sports friends,

On March 1, 2024, a new WKF Division Worldwide began work.

By athletes – for athletes!

The aim is not to compete with existing associations, but rather to complement them with significantly less bureaucracy and fewer annoying, outdated regulations.

In collaboration with all of our 140+ WKF country presidents with the new WKF department “BOXING/BKFC”, we are also internationally networked on 6 continents in over 140 nations.

The Hungarian expert Daniel Z. HIRLAU will become world president of the new division from March 1st, 2024.

From now on, ALL BOXERS – women and men – can use our free offer and apply for inclusion in the BOXING World rankings via the FIGHTER PROFILE. Free and non-bureaucratic!

The international WKF license applies to all boxers!

For PROFI boxers, a corresponding license and registration in BOXREC is mandatory! We would be happy to help you with this too.

The first amateur BOXING tournament will take place on April 26th/27th in Innsbruck, at the same time as the WKF Austrian Open in kickboxing.

All registrations should be sent directly to the BOXING head office, Mr. Hirlau,

by email:

Anyone with a WKF license and a valid medical certificate is eligible to participate.

If you have any further questions, I will be happy to help you at any time.

contact mail:  Ő beszél magyarul / limba romana / English oder Deutsch

respectfully greetings

Daniel Z. HIRLAU


WKF fighters license for all WKF Championships


Words from the WKF President …

WKF 2024big Chance for new partners



Dear WKF family,

we hope you, your family and friends are doing well.

WKF start in the background Worldwide to schedule great events in 2024.

More than 140 member countries on 6 continents are busy for the next season.

Spain is our host for the upcoming WKF World Championships 2024 in all disciplines.

Mr. Juan PINILLA is the head of the organizing team in November 2024.

And “We don’t care about a poor, lost and helpless braggart and liar somewhere in the Australian bush” 😀 


After our last World Championships in Cairo 2021 the whole world will meet again in Spain and many strong teams from EuropeLatin America, North America, Australia, Asia and Africa will challenge our best Champions.

All our Worldwide WKF MEMBER countries are most welcome.

More than 1.900 (!) posters of WKF events since 1965 are in our gallery.

WKF World president and CEO Fritz EXENBERGER


WKFWorld Kickboxing Federation as first real Global player and sanctioning body has organized first time ever real full amateur  World Championships on the African continent October 18th to 24th, 2021

Our next World Championships 2024 are planned in Spain!

There we celebrate an anniversary 

1964 to 202460 years of WKF

Cartagena in Latin America  or Chengdu in China – both have applied for the World Championships 2026 after next!

Here’s to another globally successful year 2024 !


WKF World president / CEO

33rd Austrian Open 26 / 27 April 2024

full information HERE

WKF AUSTRIA president Mr. Gerhard CORRADINI announce next great international event 2024 in Innsbruck, Austria.

Promoter Gerhard CORRADINI and his team organize one more time in Innsbruck

Austrian Open tournament

Open for all countries, federations and teams


For the best men and Woman only !

Invitation is here

registration NOW open
WKF AUSTRIA president Mr. Gerhard CORRADINI

You can compete in Forms, point fighting, light contact , kick light and K-1 rules.

AMATEUR BOXING FOR MALE AND FEMALE is also possible in Innsbruck!

Registration deadline: Wednesday, April 24th 2024    22pm

Upon your request by e-mail, you will immediately receive your access and password

Welcome to Austria

Welcome to Innsbruck 

International team fight Austria vs. Czech Republic April 13th

All information and tickets HERE / Veškeré informace a vstupenky ZDE

Official international match of the national teams (!)  Austria vs. Czech Republic.

Organizer Florian BARTL and WKF CZECH REPUBLIC President Raddy DIVIS in Brno on April 13th in Vienna in the “Bohemian Prater” Tivoli Events Center

Oficiální zápas národního týmu

Pořadatel Florian BARTL a prezident WKF CZECH REPUBLIC Raddy DIVIS v Brně

Rakousko vs. Česká republika 13. dubna ve Vídni v Bohemia Pratru, Tivoli Register

Pro všechny ženy i muže, nyní v národním týmu

full info HERE

International WKF event in Moldova

SAZONOV Genadii, WKF MOLDOVA president

WKF MOLDOVA president SAZONOV Genadii, announce our next international WKF event in Tiraspol, Transnistria region.

Promoter email contact

Full invitation is HERE !

Many international teams confirmed already their participation.

WKF EUROPE support this international tournament and ask all our WKF countries and teams for their participation’s as well.


AND: at the invitation of the Moldovan WKF President Genadii SAZONOV World President Fritz EXENBERGER will travel from Austria to Tiraspol for talks with old and new friends.

Welcome to amazing Moldova !!!

WKF EUROPE looking for new MMA expert

Since January 1st – after the Covid virus – our WKF has also been reorganized.

To date, around 40 former WKF state presidents and directors have been dismissed worldwide. So did our last President of MMA in Europe.

Due to incompetence, empty promises, no WKF sanctioned MMA events, no national teams in MMA at the last European and World Championships etc. Our MMA Europe and World Rankings page also needs an update!

Therefore, our continental association WKF EUROPA is looking for a new European director for MMA. Which expert would like to work in our team in the European continental association?

At the World Champpionships 2024 in Sain

we celebrate 60 years of WKF!

1964 – 2024 !!!

If you are interested in becoming part of a large, global, conservative and reputable association, we look forward to your non-binding inquiry.

Perfect in English 🙂

Alexandra PETRE is looking for ANY K-1 fight IN THE WORLD






from Vienna was at the  WKF European Championship in Romania  2019 four-time European champion. Again 4 times European Champion by the European Chapionships 2022 in Austria.

Her remarkable fight record in K-1 today is:

39 fights, 35 wins, including 12 KOs

Her weight class is the Ladies Heavyweight + 145 lbs / + 66 kg,  favorite discipline is K-1.

Alexandra also won the European Cup in February in Poland against strong opponents.

“You’re not a champion, not the best fighter

unless you beat the European champion” 


says Alexandra … Who knows? 😈  

Alexandra – World Champion in Cairo

This young talented girl is just 20th Years old and won three times World Champion title in October 2021in Cairo.

GODZILLA is currently number 1 in the WKF PRO-AM world rankings as well as in the GBF World rankings and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find opponents.

Her management is negotiating an intercontinental title in Papua New Guinea (!) against Jessy GONOPA.

Another fight in Orel, Russia, against K.O. Queen Daria “Super Dasha” DENISOVA

Plus European title fight in K-1 vs. the Ukraine Champion in Poland (!) on February 6th.


For winter or spring 2022 is scheduled a WKF PRO-AM World title fight in Europe and perhaps title defense in Wellington, New Zealand, against Thai box expert Rosie SANDIFORT.

Alexandra PETRE is WKF European Champion and currently one of the best fighters in the ladies K-1 heavyweight division in Europe.

Дарья „Супер Даша“ ДЕНИСОВА, RUS

Petre is looking for a suitable opponent for a 5 X 2 minute duel. All interested girls have a chance of this fight.

As soon as the situation with the CONVID-19 virus has subsided, she wants to compete against the best heavyweight girl anywhere in the world.

Against any suitable female opponent in Ladies heavyweight + 66 kG / + 145 lbs!

If you were looking for an opponent for YOUR Girl at YOUR NEXT EVENT, it would be a great fight!

All you have to do is fill out the fighter profile and attach a good 2-3 jpg photo and email it.