Welcome in our WKF SANDA-WUSHU division !

Following our many members from all over the World, WKF head office has  new SANDA & WUSHU division.
info here

This includes all Sanda male/female fighters, fill in the online profile, add a jpg photo to be listed in the SANDA World ranking.
For professionals we offer for SANDA same titles like in ring sport, also BOXING or MMA.
For classic Wushu we have our WKF Wushu forms and many more !
WKF CHINA International

The World Kickboxing Federation is one of the leading organisations World Wide in the promotion of amateur and professional kickboxing in all styles, Muay Thai and MMA – mixed martial arts hosting professional fighting events.

Sifu YAN Dinan, WKF CHINA and WUSHU World president

Our modern and interactive approach to this sport highlights our commitment to keeping you updated with the latest events taking place worldwide.

The WKF SANDA & WUSHU DIVISION was formed in February 2015, the WKF stresses its strong belief in offering equal opportunities to sufficiently skilled athletes who have practised  Kickboxing, enabling them to display their talents in the National and International Amateur and Professional arenas.

Also to ensure the credibility of their “World Championship” titles and gives these world class athletes an international platform on which to perform.

Read more here

WKF POLAND zawsze bardzo udany

Former president Mr. Dariusz ZAJACZ was long time our close friend of WKF.  After his voluntary resignation, a new time has now dawned for Poland.

Najlepszy polski bokserzy i kickbokserzy– MĘŻCZYZNI I KOBIETY – we wszystkich dyscyplinach tatami i zapasach może już zgłaszać się do Pani Hnat o udział w Mistrzostwach Świata

Wstępny komunikat: Mistrzostwa Europy WKF 2025 w Polsce !

contact Ms. HNAT by email

Kolejne seminarium dla sędziów w Polsce już w przygotowaniu, WKF POLSKA nie może się doczekać wielu nowych uczestników

WKF POLAND president Ms. Ewa Anna HNAT

Former president Mr. Dariusz ZAJACZ was long time our close friend of WKF. After his voluntary resignation, a new time has now dawned for Poland.

For the first time, the management of the WKF POLAND with a completely new team and head referee will go to a woman, which the WKF very much welcomes.

Były Prezes Dariusz ZAJACZ był przez długi czas naszym bliskim przyjacielem WKF. Po jego dobrowolnej rezygnacji nadchodzi nowy czas dla Polski.

Po raz pierwszy kierownictwo WKF POLSKA zostanie przekazane kobiecie z zupełnie nowym zespołem i nowym sędzią głównym, co WKF bardzo cieszy.

prior notice / wstępne zawiadomienie

The new president of WKF POLSKA, Ms. Ewa Anna HNAT, has been involved in the management of WKF POLAND for many years.

With her numerous foreign languages, she has often mediated at international events.

After there was again no Polish team at the European Championships in Trieste last Year, the WKF EUROPA continental federation has to set an example and react!.

If you are looking for fighters – men and women – from Poland and would like to book them for your next event,

or if YOU as a Polish fighter are interested in the new Polish WKF team and want to represent your country Poland in the best possible way in Alicante

or for all inquiries regarding new WKF POLAND – contact Ms. HNAT by email.


The next events in Poland will soon be in the online schedule, WKF POLAND will also nominate a large and strong team to Alicante for the world championship.

In view of the upcoming major anniversary World Championships from November 18th to 22nd in Alicante, Spain, further new presidents of the global WKF family will soon be appointed worldwide. We only have hard-working and very hard-working WKF presidents, we don’t have others

Our WKF registration program is ONLINE

Mr. Fritz EXENBERGER, WKF World president / CEO

Welcome in 2024 !

Since Years WKF technical committee work successfully with our amazing registration program.

Now, in time for the next upcoming World Championship, we are officially launching our new program.

ONLY ON REQUEST by E-mail, all Presidents all over the WKF WORLD will receive their personal access and password.

Thus only the presidents can register, change or delete their participants for the World Championship in Spain in November 2024. Of course you can also see the already registered participants.

But as I said – only the country presidents!   😉 

The link to the online registration program can be found HERE !

Amateur boxing is officially part of the WKF World Championships from November 18th to 22nd  in Alicante, Spain. Each nation can send two participants per weight class for the World Championship

The form for registering your team in boxing can be found HERE

Welcome to the official WKF SANDA & WUSHU website !

WKF Sanda LogoDo do not contact or co-operate with any Australian fake Websites claiming to be part of the OFFICIAL WKF.


Sifu Dinan YAN – WKF CHINA / 中国语言

The World Kickboxing Federation is one of the leading organizations World Wide in the promotion of amateur and professional kickboxing.

In all styles, Muay Thai and Mixed martial arts hosting professional fighting events.

Our modern and interactive approach to this sport highlights our commitment to keeping you updated with the latest events taking place worldwide.

Our WKF Sanda & Wushu World president is our high respected Sifu Dinan YAN in Chengdu, China.

Wushu forms / TAOLU

The WKF SANDA & WUSHU DIVISION was formed in February 2015 in China, the WKF stresses its strong belief in offering equal opportunities to sufficiently skilled athletes who have practiced  Kickboxing, enabling them to display their talents in the National and International Amateur and Professional arenas.


Are you a good Sanda fighter ? No chance for a real Sanda title fight, sanctioned by a real World federation ? Fill in the online fighter profile , add a good photo and send. In 48 hours your fighter is online !

Also to ensure the credibility of their “World Championship” titles and gives these world class athletes an international platform on which to perform.

Read more here

Form divisions in our World Championships

As everybody know, our amazing World Championship is coming up in Spain, November 18th to 22nd 2024.

To avoid any misunderstandings on the mat or Tatami, we would like to ask you kindly one more time to read carefully the WKF rule book for forms 


NOW OPEN until November 1st
WKF Japanese Hardstyle forms

Today we have 6 categories for forms

Please register online exclusively your national team for FORMS with your best Kata referees as well !

To see what is a traditional Japanese or Korean form, have a look in the two lists.

What are the dress codes?

When does the timer start e.g. for traditional forms with and without weapons ?

What is the time limit in creative forms or soft style forms?

WKF Korean Hardstyle forms

Any traditional form may be adapted, it is still a traditional form. Also compiled (with parts of existing forms) form using traditional techniques is permitted.

All traditional Forms must be using traditional moves only.

Any traditional Form / Kata / Pommse / Taolu / Hyong etc. must resemble a traditional work, an adaptation will be acceptable if added moves are of a traditional nature.

Any so called “allstyle” form is not a traditional one!

For any creative forms are just the divisions 4 and 5 “creative forms with music”.

With and without weapon.

Once again I kindly ask you read the rule book for forms – available in 4 languages!

There you will find exactly what is a traditional form, where is a time limit, what is a creative form and so on.

We want to thank you for co-operation and wish you a successful World Championship 2024 in Spain in November

33rd Austrian Open 26 / 27 April 2024

full information HERE

WKF AUSTRIA president Mr. Gerhard CORRADINI announce next great international event 2024 in Innsbruck, Austria.

Promoter Gerhard CORRADINI and his team organize one more time in Innsbruck

Austrian Open tournament

Open for all countries, federations and teams


For the best men and Woman only !

Invitation is here

registration NOW open
WKF AUSTRIA president Mr. Gerhard CORRADINI

You can compete in Forms, point fighting, light contact , kick light and K-1 rules.

AMATEUR BOXING FOR MALE AND FEMALE is also possible in Innsbruck!

Registration deadline: Wednesday, April 24th 2024    22pm

Upon your request by e-mail, you will immediately receive your access and password

Welcome to Austria

Welcome to Innsbruck